Building a Christmas Matching App with Blazor WASM, Azure Static Web Apps and Azure Functions

Introduction This blog post is part of the Festive Tech Calendar 2024 . Christmas is a time when many people gather to share meals and create lasting memories. Unfortunately, some individuals face loneliness during this festive season, while others have an extra seat at their table. To bridge this gap, I built a simple web application that connects families with spare seats to people seeking companionship, enabling them to share the warmth of Christmas together. While it would have been possible to create this application using a simple Blazor App with server-side rendering (requiring minimal code), I wanted the development process to be enjoyable and educational. For this reason, I opted to build it using Azure Static Web Apps, Blazor WebAssembly, Azure Functions, and CosmosDB. To further enhance productivity, I utilized GitHub Copilot Workspace as an experiment. This version of Copilot is still in private preview, but I’ll share some insights and code snippets with you. Azure S...